The Career Reading Includes:
Sun Capacity - The alignment you have with your deeper vision and the willingness to sacrifice for that vision. Most are held back due to a lack of "confidence". But real career success transcends your personal comfort zone and feeling of confidence. Vision & Belief Trumps Confidence.
Saturn Capacity - The willingness to work hard and commit to the goals you want to achieve. There will be obstacles and you will want to give up. But how much effort and determination do you bring to the table? The capacity to stay the course and not give up come from Saturn.
The 10th House Ruler - For your sign (ascendant) the 10th house ruler (planet) is a major determining factor in how you go about your duties in the world and how you handle power, fame, success, etc. The health and disposition of that ruler is key to feeling good about your success.
Planets in the 10th House - Planets in the 10th house shows what effects your success and notoriety in the world. You may want fame and attention, but not have any vision. Or perhaps you have vision, but lack confidence or you shrink from drawing attention to yourself.